Despite the rain, we had a great week in the mountains.

Despite the rain, we had a great week in the mountains.

Even though the weather didn't smile on us too much during this year's skiing trip, we managed to enjoy a great week full of experiences and new skills. The third edition of the Fairy Ski Camp was not just about skiing but also about new friendships, sports, and lots of fun.

We divided the children into two groups, with half of them almost entirely new to skiing. A total of 29 children from six children's homes participated, including 4 brave souls who decided to try snowboarding. With the help of an instructor, they learned the basics in just one afternoon, and in the following days, they joyfully glided down the slopes.

When rain caught us in the mountains, we didn't waste time and dedicated the afternoons to indoor sports like table football, billiards, or ping pong. Evenings were filled with board games, disco, and one night we all watched the movie "Cool Runnings" together.

At the end of the course, each participant received a diploma with personal feedback, recognizing their courage, effort, and improvement. That marked the end of a week full of challenges and joy.

We thank everyone who helped and supported us during this skiing adventure. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to share this unforgettable experience with the children.

We hope that despite the unfavorable weather, we proved that #hugsarebetterthantoys!