What We Do

We have taken twelve children's homes under our wings. We visit them regularly, organise leisure activities, weekend trips, cultural events, camps and educational programs for those children.

How We Help

Individual help

Our help is based on the needs of each children's home and each child separately. We emphasise on the individual help. We ask the management of children's homes and the children themselves, what bothers them, what they need to help or advice with. Then we develop our activities according to that.

Regular program

The programme of regular weekly visits is adjusted according to each children´s home and individual child‘s needs. We play different games, talk with the kids, help them with the school duties, read the good night stories just before bedtime.

We build trust

When the weather is nice, we spend time with the children in their garden. We talk to the older ones and listen to each other. We build mutual trust and friendly relationships to ensure the children that they can contact Good Fairies at any time - even after leaving the children's home one day.

Regular and Long-term Help

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We Visit Children’s Homes Regularly

In the following homes we weekly run the extra lessons for the children who want to improve their school results: DD Olomouc, DD Mladá Boleslav, DD Nové Strašecí, DD Pyšely, DD Ústí nad Labem, DD Dolní Počernice, DD Zruč nad Sázavou and DD Tišnov. We try to motivate them and make learning fun without forcing them. Children enjoy this time and enthusiastically inform us about their progress at school during our next visit. At that moment, we know that things are going the right way. Those moments are our goals.We also collaborate with DD Krnsko, DD Hranice, DD Přerov, DD Hora svaté Kateřiny, DD Dolní Čermná, and DD Boršov nad Vltavou and DD Humpolec.

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We Support Their Personal Development

We tutor children individually or in pairs. Older children discuss with us not only school stuff, but also the right direction in life. We know that personal development is not only about exam results, but also about the goals we want to achieve as well as social development and understanding the world around us.

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We Organise Sports, Cultural and Social Activities

Usually once a week on weekends we arrange activities for children to support their personal development and have new and enriching experiences. We go to a museum, theater or organize outside and sport activities. This is a perfect complement to our regular visits and it helps us to learn more about children outside the children's home.

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We Organise Summer Camps and Weekend Stays

Once a year we organise a summer camp. We spend a week with "our" children under one roof in the middle of nature and it's an amazing experience. We build trust with each other and strong friendships. In winter, we arranged a St. Nicholas weekend for children, their educators and our volunteers. We do our best to organise an unforgettable weekend full of joy when participants get closer to each other.

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We Support Foster Parents and Single-Parent Families

We use our donation also for providing financial support to foster parents and single-parent families at the beginning of the school year. It's mostly related to payments for children's clubs. We also help them to obtain food within the Nationwide Food Collection. For these families, such a help is significant. We have a great admiration for the energy, love and enthusiasm with which all foster parents fulfil their mission, and we are glad we can help them at least this way.

“Honestly, every visit comes with a rewarding experience for us as well—a child’s smile, joy, laughter and a friendly hug. Every week we spend at least three hours in each of the homes with children and build a close relationship and mutual trust with them. We are very happy about it and we also know it makes a commitment. But it is not a commitment we are afraid of because when you do things with love, worries go away.“

Angelika Nevěřilová, founder

Our Activities

Help with Us


Donate to Us

Your gift will allow us to grow and give more time, attention and love to children who need it most.


Become a Fairy

We are happy to welcome new enthusiastic volunteers with a sense of fun, friendship, a big heart and a clean criminal record to our team.

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